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Emotional acceptance to reduce tension from the expectation gap

Updated: Jun 9, 2022

Do you expect and accept the full spectrum of #emotion you experience? None of us are immune to unpleasant emotions. We tend to resist these unpleasant emotions while chasing pleasant ones. This sets up tension in the #mind and can lead to the accumulation of #stress. There is useful information in all emotions and your goal is to extract what is helpful for you. How?

Don't overthink emotional acceptance. Kindly allow all emotions to surface so you can accept them for what they have to offer in order to more easily let them go and move forward. Remember, you are not your emotions. They serve to inform you, so listen for what is helpful and then allow them to pass. Don't expect this to be instantaneous, but this approach can help you move towards living in a state of flow with #resilience. No matter who you are or where you live in the world, the full spectrum of emotions we experience bind us as humans, and we live this life together.

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