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Personal Transformation — M.E.D.S. approach

Welcome in 2024 with the intention of transforming yourself and your way of living.

chrysalis with butterfly. metamorphosis. generative ai
Transform yourself!

A nice framework for thriving within your daily life is the M.E.D.S. approach (below). #Change is never easy, but you are more powerful than you know. You are the expert on yourself and the architect of your life, your story.

1) #Meditate 🧘‍♂️and be #mindful — useful tech to guide your way can be found from Headspace, Calm, and many others.

A man practicing mindfulness and meditation in a peaceful natural environment sony A7s realistic image, ultra hd, high design very detailed

2) #Exercise 💪- this can be simple & short, like a walk around the block. Start small and build throughout the year as baby steps can lead to big things over time. Consider tracking your improvements with an Apple watch or other smartwatch to visualize your achievements and sustain motivation.

An adorable unhappy puppy alongside a barbell in the gym, fitness aspirations generated ai.
You've got this!

3) #Diet 🍽️ - this may be a scary word, but this works best by connecting to (1) and being more mindful about your eating. Enjoy decadence occasionally, but focus on maximizing your intake of foods that fuel your brain and body. Put “good” gas in your tank. A useful tool can be the WeightWatchers app. This gives you a budget of PersonalPoints to draw from throughout the day and reward points for eating fruits & veggies, and water intake.

Vitamin pill capsule with fruits and vegetables indicating that food is medicine and health eating concept.
Food is powerful medicine

4) #Sleep 💤- this is arguably the most overlooked in our fast-paced tech-infused lives. That said, tech can be very useful for creating insights, guiding adjustments, and sustaining motivation. The ŌURA ring is a good example, but even some beds, such as from Sleep Number Corporation, also collect data and provide a wealth of insights.

Baby sleeping with her teddy bear, new family and love concept
"Sleep like a baby" - aligning your circadian rhythm is key

It is also quite useful to develop a consistent circadian rhythm-friendly approach where you have a 1-hour window to get to sleep at night and a 1-hour window to wake in the morning.

Finally, be sure to sprinkle #gratitude 🙏throughout every day. This arguably has the biggest impact with the smallest investment of time. A nice app for journaling what you are grateful for can be found within the Gratitude app. The more you do this, the more automatic it will become to notice the simple beauty in your life.

Hands close up on the background of a beautiful sunset, a flock of butterflies flies, enjoying nature. The concept of hope, faith, religion, a symbol of hope and freedom.
Beauty surrounds us all - recognize your blessings and they will multiply

Take these tips into 2024 and tailor your approaches and tech to what works best for you. As you develop consistency, you will find yourself feeling at the top of your game which will have a positive ripple effect throughout your life and your relationships! As always, “Be kind to yourself,” throughout the process. We are human after all, and you will need to pick yourself up from time to time to get back on track.

If you would like a personal guide and to discuss more details of this approach, please reach out to us:

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